The Weblog
We send out cool articles and farmer highlights using a different email program. You can see the archives of those emails here and through our facebook page! We use this “weblog” every Friday evening to let you know the market page is accepting orders (look for the little add to cart buttons next to products). Northeast Georgia Locally Grown was officially OPENED on Monday, April 26th, 2010 and we are so thankful that you are helping support fresh local foods each week.
Locally Grown - Availability for July 22, 2014
Hey Local Food Lovers,
No messages this week, just thanks and appreciation to each of you for eating Local Foods and supporting Local Farmers. Best way to do that is to eat local every week, better yet every day! The only way you can do that is to support local markets, csa’s etc. and we do think that you’ll find Locally Grown is one of the best sources for a broad diversity of products from a wide diversity of farmers, and very convenient too. Just a few clicks and then only a few minutes to pick up on Wednesdays after work and voila! You can EAT WELL!
Many thanks,
Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew