Here are some frequently asked questions:
- I forgot my password, or can't sign in!
- Are there membership fees?
- Will I have to buy vegetables I don't want?
- How do I order?
- Why is the item RED on the checkout screen?
- When do I pay?
- When and Where do I pick up my order?
- Why Support Locally Grown?
- How can I sell through this market?
- Oh no! I forgot to pick up my order! What now?
- Why are some of your products labeled "organic" and others are not?
- Item not what I expected!
- Can I cancel my order?
And here are some answers:
I forgot my password, or can't sign in!
Please do not create a new account if you are having trouble signing into your account! Try the following trouble shooting options, email locallygrown@gmfn.org or call Andrew at 770-530-3287 to be walked though the process.
To get a new password or reset your password:
Go to the very top of http://northeastgeorgia.locallygrown.net/
Click “Sign In”
Click “My username or password isn’t working, or maybe I forgot them”
Enter the email address associated with your account.
Check your email for a message from support@locallygrown.net (make sure it’s the most recent email)
Enter your username and enter the new password you were sent.
(note – The username is the key here. if you signed up and entered an email address as your username, then you will need to use that to sign in. Once signed in, you can change your username from your account page)
If you do not remember which email or your username, please email NGLGmarket@gmail.com, and we can look them up for you.
IMPORTANT Please add locallygrown@gmfn.org to your email contacts. This is important so you do not have issues resetting passwords or account deactivated. Sometimes email servers (yahoo, gmail, and aol) think that we are sending spam, and if this happens too many times, your account will be temporarily disabled. If you think your account has been disabled, just send us an email and we’ll walk you through how to get back to ordering fresh local products!
Are there membership fees?
There is a small membership donation of $20 that is added on your fourth order (you can place multiple orders per week) to further our mission of building community around local food. The annual donation is $20 per email account and is automatically added once every calendar year thereafter that you order through us. New customers try us for three orders before membership is added.
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is a project of the Georgia Mountains Farmers Network, a 501c3 nonprofit. If you are currently facing financial hardship, please reach out to Andrew@gmfn.org | 770-530-3287 to see if we can sponsor you membership. We love that you are supporting local farmers and food artisans!
Will I have to buy vegetables I don't want?
Unlike some co-ops, buying clubs, or CSAs where everyone gets the same box of stuff (and you don’t know what you’re getting until you get it), with Locally Grown you order what you want, in the quantities that you want, straight from the farms that you want. Once you create an account with a valid email, you will receive an email when the market page is updated with what is available that week and open for orders.
How do I order?
Each Friday evening, an email is sent to all of our registered customers by e-mail letting you know the market is open. Customers must place their order for the week no later than Monday at 9:00 p.m. Orders can be placed here on our market page.
Once you read the item description and decide you would like to purchase the item, click the add to cart button next to the item. After you add all the items you would like to purchase, click “proceed to checkout” found at the top left of the market page. Review your order and MAKE SURE TO finish the checkout process and receive your confirmation email.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your spam folder and email us at NGLGmarket@gmail.com to confirm your order.
You are then ready to pay and pickup your order Wednesday from 5-6:30pm at the location specified when submitting your order.
Why is the item RED on the checkout screen?
This means either one of two things:
1. You or another customer have ordered more than the anticipate quantity the grower listed. The grower might still have enough to fill your order, or they might have to remove it. You will not pay for anything you do not receive.
2. The item is not reserved for you until you complete the checkout process, so it is possible someone else checked out with the item before you completed your checkout process. “in your cart” doesn’t mean it’s reserved for you. The grower might still have enough to fill your order, or they might have to remove it. You will not pay for anything you do not receive.
When do I pay?
We accept in-person payments once you have all the items you ordered in your hands! Pick up your order on Wednesdays from 5-6:30pm at your selected location.
We prefer cash or check to help keep money more local, but DO accept Credit Cards, if needed. Credit and or debit Cards incur a 3% convenience charge. You only make one payment, regardless of how many farms you are purchasing through, which then passes to the farmers and artisans in one payment.
Payment update as of January 2023: to simplify our accounting processes, we no longer accept overpayments. This just means you pay the exact amount due at pick-up after your order items are checked off. Thanks!
Customer Payment Protocol. Updated 10/6/2023
We accept payment in person at customer pickup, over the phone by appointment (770-530-3287), or through Square. Customers are encouraged to pay after inspecting delivered items. By completing the checkout process through Northeast Georgia Locally Grown, customers are agreeing to be held financially responsible for their total amount due. The total amount due is emailed to customer, and an invoice is sent via email if no payment is received for items delivered. Customer invoices are sent and tracked by Square and email reminders sent 1 and 3 days after invoice date. If total amount due is not paid in full within 30 days of accrual date (when customer first started carrying account debt), account will be deactivated and customer will be notified weekly until payment solution is found.
When and Where do I pick up my order?
Customers pick-up from 5:00pm to 6:30pm on Wednesdays.
Hall County
Northeast Georgia History Center
322 Academy St NE
Gainesville, GA 30501
Habersham County
Grace Calvary Church
295 East Green St.
Clarkesville, GA 30523
Rabun County
St. James Episcopal Church (Parish Hall)
260 Warwoman Rd, Clayton, GA 30525
You choose your pickup location when you place your order. Email NGLGmarket@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
Why Support Locally Grown?
Enhance your local economy: By purchasing produce and other items from local growers you are providing stability to your local economy through the support of local businesses.
Save natural resources: Buying locally makes you an invaluable link in the process of saving resources such as fossil fuels and packaging materials. Also, we are right here in your community so the expense of transportation and delivery is kept to a minimum.
Provide learning opportunities: Locally Grown supporters provide member growers the means to help educate our community about the importance of sustainable agriculture.
Supporting a way of life: The number of small farms in the United States has decreased dramatically in the last decade. Please help us preserve an honest and worthy means of making a living.
We believe that small, diverse, family-owned farms contribute to society’s overall health.
How can I sell through this market?
If you’ve already created a customer account here, simply go to the bottom of Our Growers page and follow the prompts. This will add you to our system and our market managers will contact you with the next step. The charge for listing as a grower is 12% of your overall sales (which will be automatically deducted from your weekly sales). 2% of this total goes towards our software licensing fee and the remaining 10% cover costs for ensuring the market continues. Like at a traditional farmers’ market, you do get to set your own prices and list your items as you wish. Please email NGLGmarket@gmail.com if you want more information.
You will also need to read our Guidelines for Growers document. The link can be found in the text of the OUR GROWERS page.
Oh no! I forgot to pick up my order! What now?
About a half hour before we pack up to go home, we’ll call you if you haven’t come yet using the phone number you tied to your account. If you have a cell phone use that number!
Most times, we get an answering machine, so if we haven’t reached you when it’s time to go, we’ll try again.
If we still haven’t been able to reach you, your items will be donated or given away! We do not have any means to keep items until next week, or to deliver them to you. If we were able to reach you on the phone, we may be able to work out an arrangement, but otherwise, your items will be donated or given away!
Since growers harvested just for you, and (more importantly) since we paid the growers on your behalf when they brought them to our market, you are still responsible for paying for the items, even if you do not pick them up. We send an online payment link and charge your account for the items we could not sell. Payment is appreciated by 11am Thursday mornings.
Why are some of your products labeled "organic" and others are not?
All produce sold here is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides.
Some of our growers find it worthwhile from a marketing point of view to register with the state of Georgia’s agriculture department to comply with National Organic Practices and certification, which in some cases includes a farm inspection. Some growers may be “Certified Naturally Grown”. This is a nationwide program similar to the USDA National Organics Program, but new farms are inspected by a certified farm. Others adhere to chemical free sustainable practices, but choose not register with the state or federal government.
To find out more about our growers, and to see what certification, if any, they have, take a look at our Growers page.
Item not what I expected!
We encourage customers to inspect all products before you pay and allow the option to decline products that do not match the item description.
Each grower is responsible for their own packaging, product listings, and labeling. Please let your market manager know when you see a product at checkout that is not what you expected.
If you have already paid and left the pickup location, please email the grower and copy NGLGmarket@gmail.com with a picture and description of the product that was not what you expected. Again, we highly encourage you to inspect all products before you pay. When you pay for your order, you are stating your satisfaction with the visible quality of the product(s).
It is also very important to give feedback of any issues with products sold through this market. With over 35 growers selling through this market, then only way for us to continue to operate is through your feedback as a customer. The best ways to communicate feedback with the products is through email and our year end survey. Thank you for being kind and supportive while helping us and farmers improve.
Can I cancel my order?
The only way to cancel an order after it has been placed is to let the market managers know before the market closes on Monday evening. There are several ways to do this: you can reply to your order confirmation email, you can sign into your NGLG account and click on “Email the Market Managers” in the Your Account section, or you can email us directly at locallygrown@gmfn.org. When the market closes Monday evening the growers are notified of their sales and begin the process of filling your order. At this point, your order has already been filled by the grower, picked just for you, and is on its way to be delivered to your pick-up location.