The Weblog

We send out cool articles and farmer highlights using a different email program. You can see the archives of those emails here and through our facebook page! We use this “weblog” every Friday evening to let you know the market page is accepting orders (look for the little add to cart buttons next to products). Northeast Georgia Locally Grown was officially OPENED on Monday, April 26th, 2010 and we are so thankful that you are helping support fresh local foods each week.

View the Complete Weblog

Locally Grown - Availability for July 15, 2014

Hey Local Food Lovers,

Just want to make a very short and sweet last minute reminder to get your orders in before tonight at 9PM.

Today I want to say just a few words about how much fun it is to feed your one year old baby wholesome local food. We’ve been joking around the house for the last year that if everyone ate as pure a food as what we’ve been feeding our daughter then we’d all be a lot healthier.

I have to give my wife almost all the credit. She’s been dedicated to making our babies food from day one. That means all organic ingredients. I won’t get into the details of peas, carrots, sweet potatoes and apples getting cooked and chopped up, but I will say often the smells in the kitchen are so good I want to eat the baby food.

What’s been more fun for me lately is our daughters interest in anything and everything we’re eating, and the faces she makes when she takes a bite of something for the first time.

Lately I’ve been slicing Mtn Earth blueberries in half and slipping them in her mouth. Did I already mention how she’d mash and suck the pulp and then spit out the leathery (somewhat bitter) peal. This morning we were sitting outside drinking coffee (just me silly) and she watched as the birds came down and were plucking all the berries (even the unripe ones) from the bush. I could see her little gears turning realizing HEY, they like the same stuff I do, and HEY wait a minute what do they think they are doing.

Also this weekend I scrambled some Homegrown Products eggs with Baker Springs heirloom tomatoes cooked in. I’ve always loved all kinds of veggies in my eggs and especially yummy heirloom tomatoes. I was pleased that Ayla liked the combination too. Then I wanted to see if just a bit of tomato uncooked was tasty to her as well….and yes….success, she loved it.

There’s some sweet treats as well but those you can feel good about. A blueberry, raspberry and banana smoothie with Mtn Fresh Milk, organic yogurt, organic apple juice, and dollop of Mtn Honey. Ok, I did put one small spoonful of vanilla ice cream too. That’s my secret to incredible smoothies. Ayla and I shared a glass and towards the end there was some competition on who would get the last full spoonfuls. And why does it taste better one spoonful at a time?

There’s so much more but hopefully that’ll whet your whistle for local foods this week.

One last plug to take our FARM TOUR SURVEY! Your feedback is very valuable to us. It only takes a minute of your time. And if you were a farmer on the tour, we’d like your feedback too!

Order big. It’ll improve your week!


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew