The Weblog

We send out cool articles and farmer highlights using a different email program. You can see the archives of those emails here and through our facebook page! We use this “weblog” every Friday evening to let you know the market page is accepting orders (look for the little add to cart buttons next to products). Northeast Georgia Locally Grown was officially OPENED on Monday, April 26th, 2010 and we are so thankful that you are helping support fresh local foods each week.

View the Complete Weblog

Locally Grown - Availability for February 18th, 2015

This post expired on February 16, 2025.

Hey Local Food Lovers,

Baby it’s cold outside. We’re getting the tail end of winter this week. Please be kind and pick up your orders as early as possible this week to keep our market managers from standing in the cold any longer than they have to (the low on Wednesday is predicted at 6 degrees, YIKES!).

That said, the warm spot of your week could and should be picking up some good Local Food. We have a special guest FARM on the market this week, LoganBerry Heritage Farm from up north of Cleveland are featuring their SOY FREE pastured eggs. We don’t see LoganBerry listed here often so show them some love and order an extra dozen this week. Give some to a friend as a way to let ‘em know you’re thinking about them. I think if anyone gave me a dozen fresh eggs, I’d know instantly that they really, really care.

This week we’d like to ask all of our CUSTOMERS to do a small something extra that will HELP US ALOT and should turn around and GIVE RIGHT BACK TO YOU.

It’s a 2015 CUSTOMER survey! This is the best way for us to get a read on what products each of you would like to see more of in the year ahead. Farmers can peruse this list and grow more of the items that they see are in high demand. The SURVEY also asks a few questions about other ways to improve LOCALLY GROWN and if there are ways you’d like to get more involved and help the market grow.

The survey will be open for the next several weeks, but please TAKE IT TODAY! Cold weather is good for dreaming of spring and summer’s bounty. The sooner we know what’s in demand, the quicker we can start planting it in the field.

Locally Grown also has several new VOLUNTEER opportunities open for the right people.

The first is an “early market helper” at our Clarkesville Location to help us receive goods from farmers on Wednesday’s starting at 1:45pm until around 4:30pm (and they could stick around for customer pickup if desired). This individual needs a strong back as work would involve pulling coolers from our shed and once full from farm deliveries loading them onto a truck. It’s a fun job as it involves interacting with all the farmers during delivery. The volunteer will receive a small food stipend. If you or someone you know would be interested send an e-mail to

The second is one or more people who’d be willing to help put together some BASKETS that we’ll fill with Locally Grown products for submission in several Hall County charitable SILENT AUCTIONS as a way to promote the market. We’re hoping someone with a creative flair would be willing to make these really zing giving Locally Grown a great impression around town. Here’s a photo of something we like, but feel free to bring your own creative ideas. E-mail Andrew if interested at

That about does it for tonight. Stay warm. Enjoy the snow if we get it. And don’t forget to….


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew