The Weblog

We send out cool articles and farmer highlights using a different email program. You can see the archives of those emails here and through our facebook page! We use this “weblog” every Friday evening to let you know the market page is accepting orders (look for the little add to cart buttons next to products). Northeast Georgia Locally Grown was officially OPENED on Monday, April 26th, 2010 and we are so thankful that you are helping support fresh local foods each week.

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Locally Grown - Availability for December 3rd, 2014

Hey Local Food Lovers,

Welcome Back! This was our first Thanksgiving off in Locally Grown history and I have to admit it was kind of nice. One thing that made it so nice is that our last market the week before was the 2nd Largest sales day in our four year history, nearly $2,800. Everyone really stepped up to make it a special Thanksgiving, from growers listing new items to you guys buying it up.

I enjoyed a lot of things over the holidays, but that pumpkin pie exceeded all expectations. You can find it under Gluten Free Items. If you did eat your local foods over the holidays and took a snapshot, please, please, send us a copy. We’d love to see your food pics.

It’s hard to believe but there’s only 3 and a half weeks to Christmas. We talk so much about food around here, but in the run up to the big gift giving day I’m gonna talk a little more about our non-food items that make great gifts at the Holiday Season. This week I want to mention some items from Wild Earth Gardens and Herbals. Marantha has been with Locally Grown from the start and you’ve probably eaten some of the vegetables that she grows as well. She keeps quite a few bath and beauty items such as bath salts, salve and lip balm all times of the year. This year she has some special gift sets, that include herbal mist, salve, lip balm and vegan soap, with a handmade organic cotton face cloth.

Before we go I want to say a special Thank you to one of our newest growers this year. KP FARMS who is one of our rare EGG Producers on the market is run by Larry Kennimer who lives over near Dahlonega. I know that I personally have probably eaten close to 100 eggs from Larry’s momma hens over the last 6 months or so and I’ve loved and been thankful for every one of them. We’re also especially thankful that Larry appears to be recovering quickly from some very scary heart trouble a few weeks ago. It’s a very small group of people that make it possible for us to eat so well, and we want to wish Larry well in what appears to be a speedy recovery. In fact, Larry showed off his new truck decal advertising the farm the other day and he had the website posted right on there under his farm name. That means a lot to us, and Larry means a lot to us. I hope everyone will wish him well while they scramble up his delicious eggs this week and every week for weeks and weeks to come. You can see his truck magnet and a photo of Larry our FACEBOOK page which you should friend (oh wait it’s like now). Larry’s Facebook can be found there as well.



Well that ought to do it. Looking forward to meeting our new customers this week. There’s at least 4 newbies!


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew