Jarhead Farm
Website: www.jarheadfarm.com
Certified Organic
This grower has a photo album.
REGENERATIVE FARMING: New term, old practice.
We’ve been farming in this manner for 25 years just at this location. Regenerative farming makes “organic” and “naturally grown” tags become moot points. We use NO pesticies, herbicides or fertilizers of any kind, chemical or organic. The OMRI list is irrelevant.
I have been an ‘organic’ farmer for more than 50 years and am passionate about the sustainability of the land through sound chemical-free farming practices, and we’re adamant about growing clean food from clean soil in a clean environment for the benefit of our family and customers. We do not plow or till our gardens. No animal manure, composted or otherwise has ever been used on our farm. We use no soil amendments (OMRI listed or otherwise), only ‘clean’ hay which puts this farm in sync with all the tenants of true sustainability.
All the vegetables and fruits from the farm are grown in open mulched gardens with full sunshine, rain and all those nutrients that come out of the atmosphere. We do not grow in an artificial environment such as a hoop house or greenhouse.Jarhead whole-fruit preserves are made on the farm from fruits grown on the farm. Our jams are made with whole, sweet fresh fruit and not from the culls left over after the best fruit is sold to other markets. The jam is made in small controlled batches with organic sugar and if required, with organic lemon juice. and pure fruit pectin. All jams are subjected to 10 minute boiling water bath before final labeling.
We now offer eggs from free range Barnevelder and Australorp breeds. These are medium to extra large brown eggs and they’re delicious. The hen’s diets are augmented with organic layer pellets.
By UGA analysis our flock is E-Coli and Salmonella free.
See Candlers Certificate in photo album under Jarhead Farm profile.
The Bromech Price Computing Scale that we use here at the farm is NTEP certified.
We have produced several short educational YouTube videos under Jarhead Farm. Please take a few minutes to look at these.
And I’d like to extend a warm invitation to anyone that would like to visit Jarhead Farm here at:
70 Stonewood Ct
Toccoa Ga 30577
Cell: 706-244-4105
Cliff Porter
Owner and Operator