Promise Land Farm
Website: www.promiselandgarlic.com
This grower has a photo album.
Our primary crop is gourmet garlic. We currently grow several different varieties of northern stiff neck garlic, and a couple varieties of southern soft neck garlic. In particular, we grow
Spanish Roja, Music, German White, German Red, Polish White, Purple Italian, French Red, and Chesnok Red. Periodically we will also have other vegetables to offer. All of our produce is natural grown. We do not use any commercial fertilizer or pesticides. We amend our soil with all natural compost, worm castings, and composted chicken manure derived from our own cage free chickens. We use a no-till, deep mulch approach to growing that greatly reduced weeds, and provides consistent moisture and nutrients to our crops. Pest control is first by manual removal, second by using all natural, herbal and plant based sprays combined with liquid soap (not detergent).
We also produce garlic powder made right here on the farm from our own gourmet garlics, again 100% natural, 100% garlic, no additives or preservatives.
You can contact this grower by e-mailing: tbingraham@hotmail.com